Updated - 22 October 2018
Copyright - G P Sagar 2015
Personal Reflections
Having come into contact with the practical subjects in my SecondaryModern school through Mr. Smith my Metalwork
teacher, a lasting interest developed which sowed the seeds for my future direction. I still have the first metalwork
project I made over a number of weeks in my 13’s / 14’s during the very early 1960’s.It is interesting that when I speak
with others of my generation they all can recount with affection their time in the school workshops, and invariably with a
degree of pride describe how their pieces of craftwork, no matte what standard of workmanship, have pride of place
somwhere within their family environment. Look at that, they will say, “I made that at school”! The tragedy sadly is that
the majority of family members and wider social contacts, do not understand or appreciate the scenario. Only another
who has experienced the emotions which are generated through successfully making something which had a purpose.
The excitement of industrial visits . As a boy I stood
next to this giant experiencing the sheer
atmosphere of 5000ton pressure.
My first metalwork job.